Menschen im Schatten der Umweltzerstörung – Ein Jahr nach der Kachowka-Katastrophe
Location: Libereco-Geschäftsstelle Berlin Brunnenstraße 9, Hinterhof/Souterrain 10119 Berlin
3rd Annual Conference of DFG-Network "Russian Ecospheres": Scales of Ecology
Location: GWZO Leipzig Conference Room 4th floor, Entrance A, Specks Hof Reichsstraße 4-6, 04109 Leipzig
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am OEI | Neue Perspektiven auf Osteuropa
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Silberlaube Raum K 25/11 Fabeckstraße 25, 14195 Berlin
Löwenthal Lecture 2024: Prof. Judith Pallot "Is There a Post-Communist Prison System?"
Location: Hörsaal A, Institute for East European Studies, Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Georgien zwischen Widerstand und Isolation | Anmeldung bis 14. Juni!
Location: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Eberhard-Lämmert-Saal Meierottostr. 8 10719 Berlin
Apply Now to MA East European Studies!
Application deadline: August 15, 2024
LS "Energy Empires" - Sophie Lambroschini (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
Presentation of Ekaterina Shulman
Location: Henry Ford Bau, Hörsaal C
LS "Energy Empires" - Alexander Libman (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Samuel Rogers (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Matthias Schwartz (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Ilya Kalinin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Susanne Strätling (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Jens Bastian (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Ukrainian Film Screening “Chornobyl 22” und “Everything Will Not be Fine”
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
Location: Ort: Sputnik. Kino am Südstern, Hasenheide 54, Eintritt für OEI-Studierende frei
LS "Energy Empires" - Benjamin Beuerle (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin):
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Katharina Bluhm (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Martin Lutz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Theocharis Grigoriadis (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Ekaterina Shulman (Robert Bosch Academy, Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Sebastian Schiek (SPCE Hub, Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Robert Kindler (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
LS "Energy Empires" - Theocharis Grigoriadis/Robert Kindler (Freie Universität Berlin)
Wintersemester 2023/24 18.10.2023-14.02.2024 Mi 14:00-16:00 Garystr. 55 / Hörsaal A
Project seminar: Online presentation of the project "Intersectional discrimination of refugee Rom*nja from Ukraine in Hungary"
Location: Webex
Book presentation "The Oswalds: An Untold Account of Marina and Lee"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Kaminzimmer Boltzmanstraße 20
"Life-Building. On Metabolic Structures, Energetic Art, and Dynamic Architecture in the Early Soviet Period": Workshop
Location: Garystr. 55 302a
LNDW 2023: Jenseits der Stalinallee. Der 17. Juni 1953 – Ereignisse, Deutungen, Erinnerungen
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rostlaube Hörsaal 1a, 20 Uhr Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
LNDW 2023: The South Caucasus and the European Union: From Conflict to Cooperation
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Silberlaube, L23 0.3099 Fabeckstraße 25, 14195
Talk with Yuliya Tsimafeyeva
Location: online via Webex
Book Presentation: Nicolai N. Petro "The tradegy of Ukraine"
Location: Osteuropa-Instut, Freie Universität Berlin Garystr. 55, Room 55 C
Apply now: Discover East European Studies with us!
Bewerbungsfrist: 15. August 2023
VL "War & Peace" - Oleksiy Kandyuk (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
Lecture and discussion with Anna Dziapshipa (Tbilisi)
Location: online via Webex
Seminar exhibition: "Testimonies of war"
Project exhibition by students of the Institute for East European Studies and the Peter Szondi Institute for General and Comparative Literature at the FU Berlin
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Raum JK 28/228
LS "War & Peace" - Guzel Yusupova (Independent Researcher, Sociology)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Tamara Martsenyuk (University Of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy")
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Katja Makhotina (Universität Bonn)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
Workshop: "Energies of the Avant-Garde"
Location: Seminarzentrum der Freien Universität Berlin Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26 14195 Berlin Raum 116
LS "War & Peace" - Oliver Wach (FU Berlin)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
CANCELLED: LS "War & Peace" - Martin Schulze Wessel (LMU München)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Clark Banach (FU Berlin)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Alisa Lozhkina (Art Critic And Curator From Kyiv, Ukraine)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
Discussion with Eva Yakubovska and Vlada Vorobiova (Віче/Vitsche e.V.) ("Einführung in die Kulturgeschichte")
Location: Garystraße 55, Seminarraum 101
Dr. Maia Barkaia: "Borderlands Perspective and Imperial Faultlines in the Historiography of Georgian-Abkhaz Relations"
As part of the seminar "Flucht, Trauma und Erinnerung in der georgischen Literatur und im Film" (taught by Irine Beridze), on 13th of December Dr. Maia Barkaia will give a lecture on "Borderlands Perspective and Imperial Faultlines in the Historiography of Georgian-Abkhaz Relations".
Location: online (via Webex)
"The Frontier": screening and discussion
Location: Garystraße 55 Hörsaal A
History Kolloquium – Ekaterina Pravilova (Princeton)
ADDITIONAL SESSION: Midterm Lecture of the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institute, Koserstr. 20, Lecture Hall B
LS "War & Peace" - Susanne Strätling (FU Berlin)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Jan C. Behrends (Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Katharina Bluhm (FU Berlin)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
Talk with director Aliaksei Paluyan ("Einführung in die Kulturgeschichte")
Location: Garystr. 55, Seminarraum 101
LS "War & Peace" - Film "One Day In Ukraine" (Ukraine, 2022, Volodymyr Tykhyi)
Start: 6pm
Location: Bundesplatz-Kino Bundesplatz 14 10715 Berlin
VL "War & Peace" - Elguja Khokrishvili (Staatliche Universität Tiflis)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
LS "War & Peace" - Andrei Yakovlev (HSE Moscow)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut Hörsaal A (Erdgeschoss) Garystraße 55 14195 Berlin
Film screening and discussion: "Evge" ("Homeward")
Nariman Aliev Ukraine 2019 / Original with subtitles / 96 mins
Location: Arsenal Potsdamer Straße 2 10785 Berlin
Ceecon´22: DGO Congress of Central and East European Studies
Ceecon is a forum for the exchange of the latest research in the field of Central and Eastern European Studies.
Movie talk "Atlantis" (Köln)
"ifs Encounters" #standwithukraine in cooperation with the Film Festival Cologne (FFCGN) On the Screen: "Atlantis" by Valentyn Vassjanowytsch (Ukraine 2019, feature film, 108 min., OV with engl. subtitles) Followed by a discussion with Kateryna Stebnovska (1. assistant director) moderated by Irine Beridze (Institute for East European Studies FU Berlin) in English Language
Location: internationale filmschule köln
In Feminis Veritas: Feminist Solidarity Day with Ukraine
ACUD Studio , Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
Workshop: "Sexualized Violence, Harassment, Discrimination and Violence at the University"
The workshop is an event of the decentralized women's representatives of the Institute for Eastern European Studies . It will be held in German.
Location: Hörsaal 55 C in the Garystr. 55
Eastern Europe and the 'New World' of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Long-Term Perspective
An event of the Institute for East European Studies in the context of the Long Night of the Sciences, Berlin 02.07.2022, 17-19 h, Silberlaube: L23 (Room 0.3099)
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Silberlaube: L23 (Raum 0.3099)
Network kickoff "Russian Ecospheres"
This weekend is the first get-together of the network.
Location: Rost- and Silberlaube of the FU Berlin
Löwenthal Lecture 2022: Andrii Portnov "German-language Ukrainian Studies. A forgotten experience" (in German)
Location: Osteuropa-Institut der FU Berlin, Garystraße 55, Hörsaal A