International cooperation
The Institute for Eastern European Studies maintains several direct exchange programmes with partner universities in Eastern Europe. Direct exchange means that places are exchanged with renowned partner universities on a reciprocal basis. This gives the students of the Osteuropa-Institut the opportunity to study abroad for one or two semesters and to gain intercultural experience. The acquisition of credit points at the partner university is required as part of the direct exchange.
Advantages of direct exchange
- Preferred admission to the partner university
- (Partial) waiver of tuition fees
- Some partner universities offer an additional scholarship to earn a living.
- support of direct exchange students before and during their stay abroad by the home university and the host university abroad
Cooperation programmes at the OEI
Double Master with the University of Tartu, Estonia
Double Master with the Higher School of Economics, Russia
Direct exchange with the Higher School of Economics, Russia (+GO EAST scholarship)
Direct exchange with the SPBU, St. Peterburg, Russia (+DAAD scholarship)
Direct exchange with the University of Alexandria, Egypt (+DAAD scholarship)