Higher School of Economics in Moscow
The Higher School of Economics (HSE Moscow) and the Freie Universität Berlin established a MA Double Degree on the basis of the two existing MA programs Comparative Social Research (HSE) and Osteuropastudien (East European Studies; OEI at FU Berlin). The Double Degree Program starts in September, 2019.
Upon graduation the students receive a double degree and two certificates: Master of Arts in Sociology from HSE and Master of Arts in East European Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Students of the Master's program (major in Sociology) have the opportunity to qualify for a double Master's program starting in the respective winter semester, which is conducted by the Department of Sociology of the Institute for Eastern European Studies together with the Department of Sociology of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow (HSE).
Students of the OEI are exempt from any tuition fees payable at the HSE.
A joint selection committee of the two partner universities decides on the admission of applicants to the Double Master Programme. Applications for the Double Master Programme are submitted during the semester break of the first semester of the Master's programme. The application deadline is published on the homepage of the Master's programme.
Study Structure
The program consists of a study course equivalent to 120 ECTS accomplishable in a period of four semesters. A minimum of 30 ECTS is to be accomplished at the partner university. The program is structured the following way:
- Students spend the 1st and 2nd semester at their home university; they are entitled to apply for the Double Degree by the end of the 1st semester (the earliest)
- Students that opted for the Double Degree spend the 3rd semester at the partner university. During this period the study regulations of the partner university apply.
- The students can choose whether they would like to spend the 4th semester at the partner university or at their home institution.
Students need to earn a total of 30 ECTS at FU Berlin by writing an MA thesis, attending a research colloquium, and defending an expose of their MA thesis in the colloquium. The exposes have to be presented EARLIER (preferably in January or February) than in the case of FU OES students that do not participate in the Double Degree (in April or in the first week of May). The length of the MA thesis should be of around 21,000 words, and the total writing time should not exceed 23 weeks from the date that the student has received the supervision consent of a staff member. Staff members grade MA theses within one month after receipt.
FU OES Students participating in the Double Degree program have to plan-in the defense of their thesis in accordance with HSE requirements, and defend the MA thesis by Mid-June.