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HSE Moscow

Higher School of Economics

There is an exchange agreement between the Institute for Eastern Europe, the Institute for Sociology and the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. Within the framework of this agreement, students from the participating institutes will be able to study in Moscow or Berlin for one or two semesters.

Up to four students can take advantage of this opportunity per semester.

The application deadline for the respective winter semester (beginning in September) is 15 March each year and for the respective summer semester (beginning in January) 1 September. After an initial examination of the applications received, they are forwarded to the Moscow University of Applied Sciences, which then makes the final decision.

The HSE offers a waiver of tuition fees and the issuing of an invitation for the issuance of a visa. All other costs must be paid by the students themselves or apply for scholarships on their own.

If you are interested in the exchange programme, please contact Prof. Grigoriadis.
The following documents are required for nomination:

  • Motivation Letter (500 words) and CV in English
  • Transcript of Records in German or English.

This offer is especially valid for students of the Master of Eastern European Studies at the OEI and the Master of European Societies at the Institute of Sociology.


Contact at the OEI

Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis