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Eastern Europe and the 'New World' of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Long-Term Perspective

Jul 02, 2022 | 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
LNdW Berlin 2022

LNdW Berlin 2022

An event of the Institute for East European Studies in the context of the Long Night of the Sciences, Berlin

02.07.2022, 17-19 h, Silberlaube: L23 (Room 0.3099)

The East European Institute (OEI) is organizing a discussion on the consequences of the war for Ukraine and the region, with a focus on unexpected and long-term consequences. OEI members from the departments of history, culture, politics, and sociology will participate.





Please register by contacting Mihai Varga.

Time & Location

Jul 02, 2022 | 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Freie Universität Berlin
Silberlaube: L23 (Raum 0.3099)

Further Information

PD Dr. Mihai Varga