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„New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe“ (Bluhm, Varga) - Buchpräsentation und Diskussion

News vom 18.01.2019

Präsentation des Buchs „New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe“, hrsg. von Prof. Katharina Bluhm und Dr. Mihai Varga, und Diskussion mit Krzysztof Jasiecki (Centre for Europe, Universität Warschau) und Alicja Curanovic (Universität Warschau). Moderation: Regina Elsner (ZOiS). |

Book presentation "New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe"(Ed.: Katharina Bluhm, Mihai Varga) and discussion with Krzysztof Jasiecki (Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw ) and Alicja Curanovic (University of Warsaw). Chair: Regina Elsner (ZOiS).

Ort | Venue: ZOiS, Mohrenstrasse 60, 10117 Berlin

Datum | Date: 14.2.2019, 18 Uhr

Anmeldung | Registration :events@zois-berlin.de

The recently released book New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe explores the new generation of political actors in Poland, Hungary and Russia, rejecting the consensus around market reforms, democratisation, and rule of law that has characterised the move towards an “open society” from the 1990s on. These new political elites like Law and Justice (Poland), Fidesz (Hungary) and United Russia identify themselves as “conservatives”, hereby developing the notion of a “new” political conservatism in the region.

The authors of the book, Katharina Bluhm and Mihai Varga together with the co-author of one of the book chapters Krzysztof Jasiecki and experts specialising in Eastern Europe, Regina Elsner (ZOiS) and Alicja Curanovic will talk about the phenomenon of the illiberal East European conservatism and its influence on local politics.