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Workshop "(Anti-)Discrimination in Study and Teaching" (in German)

Jan 28, 2022 | 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
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(Anti)Discrimination in Teaching and Learning

Online workshop for teachers and students at the OEI

28.1.22 from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Universities and courses are not a power-free space. Hierarchies exist between students and faculty, but all participants also bring experiences of social discrimination and privilege.

This short workshop aims to provide a systematic exploration of diversity and (anti-)discrimination. It offers both an overview of central concepts and an opportunity for joint reflection on experiences and challenges in studying and teaching, especially under pandemic conditions.

More info about the workshop can be found here.


- Clarification of the concept of discrimination

- Sensitization for own unconscious assumptions and evaluation patterns

- FU's position on diversity and (anti-)discrimination

- Pandemic as a challenge for studying and teaching

- Approaches for gender- and diversity-conscious courses


The number of participants in the workshop is limited. It will be held in the format of a Webex meeting. Please register at anja.locascio@fu-berlin.de. The deadline for registration is January 23, 2022.