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Successful in-house class at the CGP

Einführung durch SAP

Einführung durch SAP



Einblick in den Workshop

Einblick in den Workshop

News vom 16.10.2013

Last week, approximately 60 students of the Center for Global Politics’ M.A. programs East European Studies Online and International Relations Online got together for a week-long in-house class. The students came from all corners of the globe and shared a very diverse professional background. Amongst the students were diplomats, journalists, humanitarian aid workers, helicopter pilots and a person that works in a nuclear power plant. They attended seminars on negotiation strategies, migration and IR theories, amongst others. Some of the IR Online students also participated in a seminar on creative thinking, facilitated by two coaches from the software giant SAP. This was special for all involved – it was the first design thinking workshop tackling a political question: “How can we create a way to help visitors better understand the history of the Berlin Wall?” The students did a great job and developed creative, colourful and user-friendly ideas such as a time-line vehicle, an activity park and a dating club, in which people have to cross sector borders in order to meet each other. The Center for Global Politics looks forward to develop the concept for Design Thinking in the Social Sciences further and is excited about the workshops to come.

More info on the Center for Global Politics and its academic programs at: www.global-politics.org

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