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13th Annual Aleksanteri Conference "Russia and the World"

News vom 08.10.2013

"Russia and the World", 23-25 October  2013

Welcome to the 13th Annual Aleksanteri Conference

This year's Aleksanteri Conference presents 40 academic panels addressing questions from the effects of domestic politics on foreign policy, energy and environmental issues, strategic culture, different bilateral relations and regional cooperation to soft power concepts. On top of this, five plenary sessions address Russia's place in the World, Russia-EU relations, Russia in international relations theory, 21st century security questions relating to Russia, as well as Russia's future. The 13th Annual Aleksanteri Conference has attracted participants from 24 different countries including the USA, China and Japan.

The venue of the event is the main building of University of Helsinki
Address: Fabianinkatu 33, floors 3 & 4.

The Conference language is English.

For the detailed programme see:

Registration is obligatory. Please fill in the form at:

Be sure to indicate if you will be attending the welcome reception on Wednesday 23 and the coffee breaks on Thursday and Friday.

The conference is organized by the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki in cooperation with Russian International Affairs Council, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Committee for the Future, Parliament of Finland, Ministry of Defence of Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, University of Tampere, The Finnish Academy Centre of Excellence on Russian studies and City of Helsinki

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