Altaic People in Buryatia and Their Relation with Mongolia
Vortrag | 05.07.2017 | 18:00 Uhr c.t. | Zentralasien-Seminar
Mongolei-Colloquium with Dr. Bayarma Khabtagaeva (University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies, Hungary)
Buryatia is the home place of the Buryat people whose language belongs to the Mongolic language family. Besides Buryats, other Altaic peoples inhabit Buryatia, namely the Soyots, who speak a Sayan Turkic language, three different Ewenki groups (Barguzin, North-Baikal and Baunt) whose languages belong to Northern Tungusic, and the Onon Khamnigan Mongol people whose language displays several archaic Mongolic features. Except of Buryat, all the aforementioned Altaic varieties are highly endangered languages.
A strong assimilation process to Buryat has occurred, with respect to both language and culture. For instance, they follow the Mongolian style of cattle breeding. Some speakers, however, still preserve their linguistic identity, and thus are trilingual, i.e. they master their native language, Buryat and Russian. This presentation will give an overview of the Altaic peoples residing in Buryatia, focusing on sociolinguistic aspects, historical facts, common and diverging cultural features as well as their relation with Mongolia and its peoples. Moreover, this presentation will reveal who were the native inhabitants of Buryatia
Zeit & Ort
05.07.2017 | 18:00 c.t.
(5. Etage, Raum 507)
Invalidenstr. 118
10115 Berlin
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