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Parataxe Presentation: Marie-Pascale Hardy & Brygida Helbig

Gespräch & Lesung | 16.09.2017 | 20:00 | ausland



In welchen Sprachen schreibt Berlin? Berliner Autoren, die in anderen Sprachen als Deutsch schreiben, stellt PARATAXE an wechselnden Orten mit Gespräch, Lesung und Übersetzung vor; dieses Mal: Marie-Pascale Hardy (Kanada/Berlin) und Brygida Helbig (Polen/Berlin). Durch den mehrsprachigen Abend führt Katy Derbyshire (UK/Berlin).


PARATAXE presentation: What languages does Berlin write in? The event series features Berlin authors who write in languages other than German, with discussions, readings, and translations; this time it's MARIE-PASCALE HARDY (Canada/Berlin) and BRYGIDA HELBIG (Poland/Berlin). Hosted by Katy Derbyshire (UK/Berlin).

* Prof. Brygida Helbig, born in 1963 in Szczecin, is a German-Polish author, literary and cultural scholar, and translator. In 1983 she moved to Germany and was an associate and private lecturer at the Hulmboldt University in Berlin from 1994 to 2015. Currently she works as a professor at the German-Polish research institure at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. Helbig is the author of a monograph on Maria Komornicka “Ein Mantel aus Sternenstaub“ (Stardust Overcoat) (2005). Her novel “Niebko“ (Little sky) was shortlisted for the NIKE award in 2014. Her prose collection “Enerdowce i inne ludzie” (Ossis and Others) was nominated for the NIKE and GRYFIA literary awards.

* Marie-Pascale Hardy was born in Quebec, Canada. She is an author, poet, singer and visual artist and often experiments with a combination of different media. After eight years in London, she recently moved to Berlin. She has been published in SAND, Poetry London, The Delinquent, and Kumquat. Marie-Pascale Hardy is the vocalist and lyricist of the duo Paco Sala.

* Katy Derbyshire grew up in London and has lived in Berlin for the past 21 years. She translates contemporary German writers, including Inka Parei, Christa Wolf, Tilman Rammstedt, Annett Gröschner and Jo Lendle. Katy co-hosts the bi-monthly Dead Ladies Show at ACUD and a monthly translation lab. She has taught translation in London, Berlin, New Delhi, New York and Norwich and judged the International DUBLIN Literary Award. Her recent translation of Clemens Meyer’s IM STEIN/BRICKS AND MORTAR was nominated for the MAN Booker International Prize.

  • 5, erm. 3 Euro.

Zeit & Ort

16.09.2017   |   20:00 - 23:00 

Lychener Strasse 60
10437 Berlin

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