Ukraine: Identities in Flux
Podiumsgespräch | 22.09.2017 | 09.00 - 10.15 | ZOiS
The question of whether recent political developments, including the Euromaidan and the war with Russia, are (re-)shaping identities is a critical one for understanding Ukrainian politics and society. This conversation brings together some of the leading international experts on this issue all of whom have been involved in recent survey research in Ukraine. They will present the highlights from their research in an interactive Q&A format.
- Prof. Henry Hale (George Washington University)
- Prof. Volodymyr Kulyk (Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies,
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
- Prof. Olga Onuch (University of Manchester)
- Prof. Graeme Robertson (Chapel Hill)
The discussion will be moderated by ZOiS Director Gwendolyn Sasse.
Zeit & Ort22.09.2017 | 9.00 - 10.15 am
Mohrenstrasse 60 (2nd floor)