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Writing the Alternative: Media and Politics in Hungary and Poland

Vortrag & Diskussion | 13.10.2016 | 19:30 Uhr | B-Lage Bar

(c)  Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

(c) Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The guests are young journalists from Kettös Mérce (Double Standard) in Hungary and Krytyka Polityczna (Political Critique)  in Poland, who will discuss the challenges of independent political media in both countries. In German media, the current politics of Eastern Europe are often reported on in a very simplified way.

After short input statements by the experts there will be the possibility to directly ask the speakers all questions in a group discussion format. During this collaborative event there is going to be a brainstorm to find future solutions:

  • What are the possibilities for alternative media in the respective countries?
  • How can they better support local and regional social movements?
  • How can they receive a stronger voice in the European public discourse?

Kettös Mérce and Krytyka Polityczna are successful in representing the different voices of the politically active generation in their countries and form partnerships in the whole region through the international media platform Political Critique. Their reports on national and foreign politics, as well as local social movements, enable a critical discussion and political education.

Gäste u.a.:

  • Zsolt Kapelner (Budapest, Kettös Mérce)
  • Mislav Marjanovic (Zagreb/Warsaw, Krytyka Polityczna) 
  • Kaja Puto (Krakow, Krytyka Polityczna)
  • Nikolett Suha (Budapest/Berlin, Kettös Mérce)
  • Przemyslaw Witkowski (Wroclaw, Krytyka Polityczna)


Time & Place

Thursday. 13.10.2016  |  07:30 pm

B-Lage Bar
Mareschstr. 1, 12055 Neukölln


  • Russland, Ukraine, Wahlen , Politik, Krise, Demokratie