Dr. Didem Özkiziltan

Abteilung Soziologie
Dahlem Research School 2015-2017
Didem has completed her PhD in 2014 at the University of Bath. Following this, she has joined the FU as a DRS Point Fellow. The current situation of Turkey’s employment relations & social policies and development of labour-capital relations in Turkey in historical process; especially in process of Turkey’s integration with global economy lay at the heart of her research interests. Her research especially focuses on the way the related parties i.e. the employers, labour unions, various NGOs, international organisations, political actors define and defend their interests during (re)institutionalisation of social policies and employment relations. She is particularly interested in analysing the actors’ interaction with each other in the course of policy making and their influence on the institutional structures. To date, she has worked in three different research areas: the steps that Turkey has taken in the area of social policy in the process of the country’s accession to the European Union, conceptualisation of political economy of security and historical development of Turkey’s industrial relations. Currently she is working on a research project which aims to provide insight into the role of the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi - The Justice and Development Party) government and that of socio-economic actors i.e. capital and labour in (re)construction of Turkey’s contemporary employment relations.
I began my academic life at Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, Turkey as an undergraduate at the Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. Subsequently I enrolled in master of art degree at the same institution. Following successful completion of my master’s degree, I was awarded Jean Monnet European Scholarship to pursue a Master of Research degree in Social Policy at the University of Bath. I continued my postgraduate study at Bath as a PhD student with the generous funding of the University of Bath’s University Research Scholarship. I completed my PhD in 2014 and following this, I have joined the FU as a DRS Point Fellow. Currently I am also holding a visiting fellow status with the Department of Social Policy and Science, University of Bath.
Research Focus: The current situation of Turkey’s employment relations & social policies and development of labour-capital relations in Turkey in historical process.
Didem completed her PhD in 2014 at the University of Bath. Following this, she joined the FU as a DRS Point Fellow. The current situation of Turkey’s employment relations & social policies and development of labour-capital relations in Turkey in historical process; especially in process of Turkey’s integration with global economy lay at the heart of her research interests. Her research especially focuses on the way the related parties i.e. the employers, labour unions, various NGOs, international organisations, political actors define and defend their interests during (re)institutionalisation of social policies and employment relations. She is particularly interested in analysing the actors’ interaction with each other in the course of policy making and their influence on the institutional structures. To date, she has worked in three different research areas: the steps that Turkey has taken in the area of social policy in the process of the country’s accession to the European Union, conceptualisation of political economy of security, and historical development of Turkey’s industrial relations. Currently she is working on a research project which aims to provide insight into the role of the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi - The Justice and Development Party) government and that of socio-economic actors i.e. capital and labour in (re)construction of Turkey’s contemporary employment relations.
Didem Ozkiziltan (2009): The governance of occupational health and safety in Turkey in the process of EU candidacy. AkademikerVerlag.
Didem Ozkiziltan (2013): A Political Economy of Insecurity? State and Socio-Economic Actors in the Making of Industrial Relations in Modern Turkey. Open access from: http://opus.bath.ac.uk/43267/1/OZKIZILTAN_Didem_PhD_Thesis_18_05_14.pdf2.pdf
Didem Ozkiziltan (forthcoming): A new political economy of insecurity? AKP and socio-economic actors in re-institutionalisation of Turkish industrial relations (monograph).
Theo Papadopoulos & Didem Ozkiziltan (in preparation): Towards a Political Economy of Insecurity: State, society and the institutionalisation of (in)secure labour.
Didem Ozkiziltan & Aziz Celik (in preparation): State, Democracy and the Social Rights of Turkish Workers in the 1940s.