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Six sub-projects will examine Russian-Jewish, Yiddish and Hebrew Berlin from a variety of viewpoints. All of them will address the interconnections between them and with German society.

The division of labor within the research group is based on the assumption that Eastern European Jewish Berlin can be regarded as a set of dynamic lifeworlds divided into various milieus and linguistic realms, representing a complex political, social and cultural field of action for migrants in which networks formed and discourses emerged.

The socio-cultural divisions were reflected in the political orientations and topographical organization of Eastern European Jewish Berlin. The liberal, cosmopolitan bourgeoisie spoke Russian and also German and settled mainly in ‘Charlottengrad’ in the western part of Berlin. The poorer migrants generally lived in the Scheunenviertel, and spoke Yiddish with each other. Well-known Zionist authors lived in Friedenau, which they referred to in Hebrew as ‘Neve Shalom’, the place of peace (a translation of the German Frieden).

The Sub-projects

German-Russian Partnership