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„Under Construction: The Role of Religion in Eastern Europe Today“ Workshop

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Germany in Russia

Germany in Russia

„Under Construction: The Role of Religion in Eastern Europe Today“ Workshop

St. Petersburg, 20./21.09.2012

St. Petersburg, State University, Law Faculty, Auditory 2
September 20/21, 2012

While religion was expelled from the public space during Communist times and became a secret form of “inner emigration”, it entered the empty public space again in Post-Communist times. Public interest in religious issues and the public prestige of religion have dramatically increased.

The workshop “Under Construction. The Role of Religion in Eastern Europe Today” deals with the
(re-)emergence of religion in Eastern Europe and its impact on the economy, the society, and the state. Four panels are organized. Visitors are welcome to join. Please register at religion@zedat.fu-berlin.de no later than September 18, 2012.


September 20

10:00 – 12:30

Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Europe:
Comparing Russia and the Balkans.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Riedel (Berlin)

Dr. Jochen Töpfer (Berlin)

14:00 – 17:00

The Political Economics of Religion:
How Russian Orthodoxy Affects Institutions and Policy

Prof. Dr. Nikita Lomagin (St. Petersburg)

Dr. Theocharis Grigoriadis

Blerina Hida (Berlin)

Christian Hattendorff (Berlin)

September 21

10:00 – 12:30

Law, State and Religion in Europe

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Breig (Berlin)

Dr. Olga Kudrashova (St. Petersburg)

N.N (St. Petersburg)

14:00 – 17:00

The Sacred and the National.
Shifting Identities in Russia Today

Dr. Nadir Kinossian (Kazan)

Beate Apelt (Berlin)

Dr. Julia Gerlach (Berlin)

Heike Winkel (Berlin)

Inga Pylypchuk (Berlin)

The workshop is organized by the working group “Religion and Belief in Eastern Europe” at Institute for East European Studies of Freie Universität Berlin, jointly conducted with the Law Faculty at St. Petersburg State University and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Dr. Julia Gerlach