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German External Behaviour in Global Times: More Responsibilities, More Risks (in English)


Dozent/inProf. Dr. Klaus Segbers
SemesterWintersemester 16/17
RaumGarystr. 55 Hörsaal A

Di 16:00-18:00

German external behavior and foreign policy is debated and discussed not only domestically (‘taking over more responsibilities’). Voices in the German neighborhood are raising questions as well: Has German foreign policy since reunification become more “assertive”? Or is it securely embedded in European and global structures, like EU and NATO? How can Germany’s policy profile be characterized? Can Germany still be considered a Zivilmacht (civil power), despite the Bundeswehr being active in a number of military peacekeeping missions? Are German activities and engagement on the EU level still welcome, and maybe unavoidable, or are they alarming or even being rejected by others? Indeed some debates, like those around the current migration crisis, the Eurocrisis, or the troubled relations with Russia are proof of that.

What can be stated for sure is that Germany’s external relations, both on state and social levels, are the pragmatization and normalization of the German external behavior.

The goal of the seminar is to identify and discuss the contexts, structures, institutions and actors of the foreign policy landscape in Germany. Different approaches of global and international politics will be used to analyze and map this landscape. During the semester, the seminar will offer a historical contextualization of foreign policy in Germany, it will discuss the European dimension, regional foci, crucial and current topics as well as the interests and strategies of the different actors.

This lecture uses the E-learning platform Blackboard. Please register under: http://lms.fu-berlin.de. The password will be given during the first lecture. Additionally, please also register under http://www.oei.fu- berlin.de/politik/anmeldungsformular/index.html.

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