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CfP | Developmental Statisms in the Global South | DVPW Digital Convention, 14-16 September 2021

News vom 27.01.2021

We look forward to paper proposals (max. 250 words, in German or English) for our panel on “The (un)making of new developmental statisms in the Global South” at this year’s digital 28th national convention of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) on 14-16 September 2021. Submissions by young scholars at the PhD and post-doc level are particularly welcomed!

Please find the detailed panel description below. The CfP is open until 28 February 2021.

Proposals must be submitted via the DVPW website:


P182 | The (un)making of new developmental statisms in the Global South. Rethinking global economy and local society in an age of uncertainty


Sebastian Hoppe, Freie Universität Berlin/Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Jan Ickler, Universität Kassel


Reacting to multiple crises, rising inequality, and long-term global economic shifts, recent development strategies have seen a reinvigorated role of active state planning, often embedded in a revival of authoritarianism. The Global South is no exception to this trend yet shows stark variances in the ambitions, capacities, and outcomes of the initiated strategies. While some countries – often fueled by increased revenues from natural resource exports – have induced a range of large-scale political, economic, and infrastructural programs designed to achieve ‘developmental breakthroughs’, others have opted for more modest approaches, e.g. linking up with value-chains and institutional arrangements in the Global North. Some aspects of these “new developmental statisms” resemble past experiences. However, changed geopolitical and global economic dynamics and new social fault lines in developing countries require a stocktaking of the scholarly perspectives on concepts, methodologies, and empirical angles in development studies.

Against this background, the panel seeks to engage with the factors behind the (un-)making of developmental statisms in the Global South and focus on the interplay between geopolitical and global economic dynamics, political struggles, and new social cleavages. We want to raise a set of interrelated questions: How do macro and micro dynamics modify the conditions for national development policies? What are the prospects for sustainable and inclusive development policies? Moreover: How do social and political actors articulate the struggle over political and economic resources on different scales? We invite contributions to these and adjacent topics from various disciplinary backgrounds and theoretical and methodological perspectives, working comparatively or through in-depth case studies.

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