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Thesis Supervision

Research topics at the Chair of Economics in the Institute for East European Studies concentrate in the fields of Political Economics, Economics of Institutions, Development Economics and Economic History with a regional focus on Eastern Europe or the Middle East. Students are expected to work out a topic from a game-theoretic or empirical perspective and contribute to the scholarly discussion in their chosen field of research.

To qualify for a successful completion of the research project, students should have covered at least one of the following courses:

  • Political Economics
  • Transition Economics: Eastern Europe
  • Comparative Economic Systems
  • Energy Economics and Policy
  • Economic History
  • Game Theory
  • Economic Growth

Interested students can contact Professor Grigoriadis with a resume and a transcript of records.

Theses may be written in English or German. Bachelor theses should be approximately 30 pages and Master theses 60 pages.

Previous Theses

Those interested in a Ph.D. in Economics should apply directly to the BDPEMS and the DIW Graduate Center. The Chair also offers the opportunity for direct doctoral supervision to external candidates. For more information please contact directly Professor Grigoriadis.

Link to the website of the Department of Economics
Research Focus Area Studies