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Stellenauschreibung SHK Techniksupport am Center für Global Politics

News from Dec 02, 2016

The Center for Global Politics is looking for a Student Assistant in Technical Support

The Center for Global Politics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences is looking for a student assistant in TechSupport in the scope of 41 hours per month, maximum period of 2 years.

The Center for Global Politics offers two blended-learning Master Programs. Students and lecturers alike are in need of intensive technical assistance during the e-learning and presence phases. Thus we are looking for the support of a student assistant.


  • 1st Level troubleshooting of hard- and software
  • Technical support for video conferences
  • Helpdesk-chores
  • Support with acquisition and management operations for hard- and software
  • Technical support for lectures
  • Assistance with the editorial supervision of FU internal LMS and CMS
  • Communication with CeDiS / ZEDAT-Support in case of technical problem
  • Support with the creation of online tools such as manuals, tutorials


  • At least 2 completed university semesters
  • Competent handling of MS Office
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Reliable and independent work ethic
  • Teamwork, dedication and commitment
  • Experience with Adobe Connect, screencast-O-Matic, EMIS and SPSS advantage

Applications with substantiating documents are to be sent by 05.12.2016 under the ID: Techniksupport-2016 in PDF format to Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers: segbers@zedat.fu-berlin.de or via mail to

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften
Center for Global Politics
Herrn Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers
Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

With the submission of an online application, applicants give their consent that their data will be electronically processed and stored. We would like to point out that Freie Universität Berlin cannot guarantee for the security of personal data in case of unprotected sending.

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