Dr. Ulla Pape

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Freie Universität Berlin
Room 108
14195 Berlin
Ulla Pape is post-doc researcher at Free University of Berlin (Germany). Prior to that, she was lecturer in European Studies at the University of Bremen, senior researcher at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and post-doc researcher in the Third Sector Impact Project at Radboud University Nijmegen. Ulla Pape studied Slavonic languages, Eastern European History and Political Science at the University of Münster and Humanitarian Action at the University of Groningen.
In 2012, she obtained a PhD from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) with a thesis on the collaboration of civil society organisations with Russian state institutions and their impact on domestic policy-making. Her main research interests include social policy, health and civil society development in Russia and Europe. Her publications include a book, The Politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia, and several articles in international journals such as Voluntas. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, the International Journal for Sociology and Social Policy, and Europe-Asia Studies.
For further information see here.
The Politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies), London 2014: Routledge.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“The Nonprofit Sector in today’s Russia: Between Confrontation and Co-optation”, Europe-Asia Studies, 2018, 1-33, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2018.1447089 (mit Yulia Skokova und Irina Krasnopolskaya.
“Transforming the Public Sphere: The Case of Moscow’s City Libraries”, Cultural Studies, im Erscheinen (mit Anastassia Smirnova).
“Working under Pressure: Economic Recession and Third Sector Development in Europe”, International Journal for Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 36, 7/8 (2016), 547-566 (mit Rafael Chaves Ávila, Joachim Benedikt Pahl, Francesca Petrella, Bartosz Pieliński und Teresa Savall-Morera).
“Government–Nonprofit Relations in Russia’s Regions: An Exploratory Analysis”, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. Vol. 26/6, (2015), 2238-2266 (mit Irina Krasnopolskaya und Yulia Skokova).
“The Netherlands: The Paradox of Government–Nonprofit Partnerships”, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol. 26/6 (2015), 2267-2282 (mit Taco Brandsen).
“Warum Russland bei der Bekämpfung von HIV und Aids scheitert”, Russland-Analysen, 349 (2018), 9-12.
Russlands Aids-Epidemie und die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche, Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 10, 2017, 20-23.
Germany: Relative Well-Being, in: 2016 Report on the State of Civil Society in the EU and Russia, Berlin 2017: EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, 40-56.
“Identifying External and Internal Barriers to Third Sector Development in the Netherlands”, TSI National Report No.2/2016, Brussels: Third Sector Impact. (mit Taco Brandsen).
“Kormányzati-civil együttműködések Hollandiában” [Ungarische Übersetzung des Artikels “The Netherlands: The Paradox of Government–Nonprofit Partnerships”], Civil Szemle, Vol. 13(2) (2016), 47-65 (mit Taco Brandsen).
Articles in Books
“Trabajando bajo presión en Europa. Crisis económica y desarrollo del tercer sector en Europa” [Spanische Übersetzung des Artikels “Working under pressure: Economic recession and third sector development in Europe”], in: Rafael Chaves-Avila and Annette Zimmer (Hrsg.), El tercer sector en España y en Europa. Crisis, barreras en su desarrollo y estrategias de resiliencia en los sectores de la acción social, la cultura y el deporte, València 2017: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 155-182.
“The Politics of Small Steps. Influence Strategies of Social Sector NGOs in Russia, in: E. Yasin (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 17th April International Conference on Economic and Societal Development, Moscow 2017: Higher School of Economics, 347-352.