Dr. Igor Tetko
Chemoinformatics group leader, Helmholtz Zentrum München (GmbH)
Igor Tetko received MSc degree from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and PhD in chemistry from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic and Petrochemistry. He did his postdoctoral at the University of Lausanne in neuroinformatics and received habilitation in cheminformatics from the University of Strasbourg. Since 2001 Dr. Tetko is at Helmholtz Zentrum München, where he is Chemoinformatics group leader at the Institute of Structural Biology. He coordinates Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network “Advanced machine learning for Innovative Drug Discovery", as well as he is CEO of BIGCHEM GmbH.
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), applied AI/ML in chemistry, prediction of physico-chemical and biological properties of molecules, planning of chemical synthesis
He has co-authored over 250 scientific publications, coordinated large international consortia such as Virtual Computational Chemistry Laboratory, On-line Chemical database and Modelling Environment, Big Data in Chemistry, Environmental ChemOinformatics, organised ICANN2019 - International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks.