- First Virtual Conference on Ukraine 'Use of Evidence-Based Research on Ukraine's Development' organized by the Jönköping International Business School, Sweden ( August 23-24, 2024Benchmarking the Efforts of Local Governments in Ukraine to Repond to the Wartime Challenges (with Igor Piddubnyi and Valentin Zelenyuk)A Multiperiod, Multicommodity Capacitated International Agricultural Trade Network Equilibrium Model with Applications to Ukraine in Wartime (with Dana Hassani, Anna Nagurney and Pavlo Martyshev)
- 189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) on "EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Markets". 18-20 September 2024. Paper to be presented: EU-Ukraine Agricultural Trade Tensions: Political Focus versus Economic Relevance
- Abendveranstaltung zu dem Thema “Let´s grow Europe – EU-Beitritt der Ukraine als Antwort auf den russischen Angriffskrieg?" Europäischen Integrationszentrums Rostock. 20 Oktober. Beitrag zum Thema "Schäden und Wiederaufbau der ukrainischen Infrastruktur, sowie einer Zwischenbilanz zum Krieg"
- Global Grain Geneva Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Key-note speech on the topic agricultural trade potential between Ukraine and EU. 12-14 November 2024
- KIU -Vorlesungsreihe: War in Ukraine: Destruction of heritage - mastering legacy ( Vortrag zum Thema "War-Induced Damages & Recovery Challenges in Ukraine". 16.12.2024