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Prisma Ukraïna Workshop: Donbas Identities in Context: From Industrial Region to Zone of Conflict

Workshop | 29.05.2017 | 11:00 -17:00 | Forum Transregionale Studien

by Dr. Alexandr Osipian

by Dr. Alexandr Osipian

convened by Dr. Alexandr Osipian (Prisma Ukraïna Fellow 2017)

Speakers include: Eszter Bartha (CEU, Budapest), Volodymyr Kulikov (Kharkiv/CEU), Andrew Wilson (European Council on Foreign Relations, University College London), Mikhail Minakov (Kiev/Viadrina), Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOIS Berlin)

The main aim of the workshop is to examine the making of the Donbas multiple identities, their political implications, and the nature of the ongoing military conflict in East Ukraine.

Preliminary programme

Welcome Coffee

11:15 – 11:30        
Welcome and Introduction: Alexandr Osipian, Andrii Portnov

11:30 – 13:00    
Alexandr Osipian: Multiple Identities in the Donbas and their Political Implications  
Gwendolyn Sasse: 
Attitudes and Identities during War and Displacement (based on ZOiS survey data)


Andrew Wilson: Explaining the conflict in the Donbas and Crimea: Do we know more than in 2014?
Esther Bartha: Shifting Alliances: How the Far Right can Mobilize Elite Workers in Hungary

Coffee Break

Volodimir Kulikov: Company Towns and Social Transformations in the Donbas
Mikhailo Minakov: Development of Ideological Views of War-Affected Populations in Ukraine

Final Discussion and Closing Remarks by Alexandr Osipian


If you would like to attend, please rsvp at prisma (at) trafo-berlin.de

Time & Location

Monday, 29.05.2017  | 11:00 - 17:00

Forum Transregionale Studien
Wallotstr. 14, 14193 Berlin

Please find more information here.


  • Berlin
  • Donbas
  • Europe
  • Poroshenko
  • Putin
  • Russia
  • Ukraine War