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Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm

Source: Michael Fahrig


Institut for East European Studies

Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm has been working for many years on the transformation in post-socialist space from a sociological and institutional perspective. The transfer of practices and standards played a key role in her habilitation on the labor policy of German companies in Poland and the Czech Republic. Since 2007, she has been working intensively on the change in the role definition of companies and the perception of corporate responsibility. Since that time she is also researching CSR. As part of the SFB 580, she led a project on business elites in Germany, Poland and Hungary that focused on the concept of responsibility of top managers, who were associated with work relationships, ownership structures and corporate CSR practices. She also works about the new Russian conservatives, for whom corporate citizenship is a central issue.

For full CV see here.

2019  Bluhm, K.; Varga, M.: Introduction. Towards a new illiberal conservatism in Russia and Central Eastern Europe, in: Bluhm, K.; Varga, M. (eds.): New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe. Routledge. In print.

2019  Bluhm, K.: Russia’s conservative counter-movement: genesis, actors and core concepts, in: Bluhm, K.; Varga, M. (eds.): New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe. Routledge. In print.

2019  Bluhm, K.; Brand, M.: “Traditional values” unleashed – the ultraconservative influence on Russian family policy, in: Bluhm, K.; Varga, M. (eds.): New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe. Routledge. In print.

2019  Bluhm, K.; Varga, M.: The emergence and propagation of new conservatism in post-communist countries. Systematization and outlook, in: Bluhm, K.; Varga, M. (eds.): New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe. Routledge. In print.

2019 Bluhm, K. : Postmodernity and modernity as political terms in Russia’s new conservatism, in: Uzlaner, D.; Suslov, M. (eds.): Conservatism in the Post-Soviet Context: Ideology, Worldview, or Moral Choice? 

2018 Mrowczynski, R.; Kropp S.; Bluhm, K.: Staatskapazität und Verwaltungsreformen in hybriden und autoritären Regimen – am Beispiel der Steuerverwaltung in postsowjetischen Ländern (State capacity and administrative reforms in hybrid and authoritarian regimes – with a focus on tax administrations in Post-Soviet countries). Politische Vierteljahresschrift 59 (3).

2018 Schuhmann, J.; Bluhm K.; Kropp S.: Osobennosti razvitija korporativnoj otvetstvennost' v Rossijskoj Federacii, in: Krylov, Alexander (ed.): Evropejskaja biznes-ėtika. Nastal'naja kniga. Moskva: Ikar, in print.

2017  Bluhm, K.: Zur Genese des neuen russischen Konservatismus, in: Russland-Analysen, Nr. 330 (2017) , 2-7.

2016  Bluhm, K.: Machtgedanken. Ideologische Schlüsselkonzepte der neuen russischen Konservativen. In: Mittelweg 36, Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung 25 (6), 56-75.

2016  Bluhm, K.: Modernisierung, Geopolitik und die neuen russischen Konservativen, in: Leviathan, Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften 44 (1), 36-64.

2016  Bluhm, H. & Bluhm, K.: „Bürokratischer Kältetod“ – Max Webers sozialwissenschaftliche Diagnose und sein anti-progressistischer Dekadenzglaube. In: Lehnert, Detlef (Hg.): Max Weber 1864-1920. Politik - Theorie - Weggefährten. Köln: Böhlau Verlag GmbH & Cie (Historische Demokratieforschung. Schriften der Hugo-Preuss-Stiftung und der Paul-Löbe-Stiftung, 10), 217-246.

2015  Bluhm, K.; Trappmann, V.: Corporate Social Responsibility and Executives’ Attitudes in Germany, Poland and Hungary,in: Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 6:2 (12), 7-36.

For more publications see here.